Saturday, October 3, 2009

Donelli cocktail

Ingredients:- 1/4 orange juice-

1/4 Drambuie-

1/2 rum
Shake with ice and strain. Shake. Serve on the rocks (4.5 oz).

A very nice drink, the Drambuie gives it some spice. As if you were using spiced rum. The wife liked this one so much she made me save it. We are going through some Drambuie as I bought too much. I thought I had bought Cointreau, and needed Drambuie. Sadly, my dyslexia bit me again, and I had reversed the need. So now we have an abundance of Drambuie. Pity that, have to drink more.


  1. Mix the Drambuie with milk and ice. Or better yet put it on some Vanilla Ice Cream. I know it sounds disgusting but it is muy tasty.

  2. Wait a minute. I was in Cali too long. I am starting to pepper my posts with Mexican.

    Aie chiraucha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Mas cerveza por favor.

    All the Spanish I need.

    You can also put in half Drambuie and half Grand Marinier and then you light it. I forget what that one is called, maybe a flaming blacktop. The wife is not a fan of shots.
